A stealth puzzle game that lets you rewire its levels to trick people.

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Tom Francis

Character/Level Art

John Roberts

Background Art

Fabian van Dommelen

Mission Music

Ryan Ike

Title Music

John Robert Matz

Menu Music

Francisco Cerda


By Tom Francis. Uses Adaptive Images by Matt Wilcox.

Gunpoint: Tripping Up

Gunpoint - Door ProblemsOkay, so neither of us have quite mastered the door technology yet.

I’ve gone back to working on the infiltration-themed platformer I’m making, Gunpoint. I’d planned to take two days out of the winter break to binge on it, but after a few interruptions I’ve decided four half-days might be more doable, and less exhausting.

The plan is to rapidly impliment the last few features it needs before the main mechanic can make sense, without slowing down to fine tune their operation or tweak the look. So far I’ve got security doors and light switches working, and I’ve almost got the AI interacting with them correctly: only guards can pass through security doors, and they’ll turn on lights if they find them off. Next it’s the main mechanic, then a few last fundamentals that may end up being important.

Gunpoint - Dead at the Door

It’s fun to be making fast progress again. It was a huge mistake to bother putting elevators in before the rest of the basics were working, and the ridiculous time that took added to the ridiculous time AI took is the main reason I ground to a halt on the whole thing.

I now have a game that is ugly, broken and crude in every way except the lifts, which are the most magnificently smooth, reliable and satisfying vertical transportation in the history of interactive entertainment. And I’m about one month behind where I would have been if I’d stuck to stairs. It started to feel hard.

It isn’t, really, but a few things do trip me up repeatedly. I want to make a note of them here on the offchance it gets any of it through my skull, so the rest of this post will make no sense to anyone who doesn’t use Game Maker (the tool I’m making the game with).

Gunpoint - Multi Story

Things I Wish I Wouldn’t Constantly Forget

  • When you store an instance in a variable – remembering which wall I’ve just collided with, for example – don’t. Store its .id property. Sometimes, even though what you want to reference is a property of that thing, you have to pretend it’s a property of that thing’s id, even though that makes no sense. Otherwise, you get shit like light switches that toggle their own existence on and off instead of changing the light level.
  • The Create event is a handy place to put any code that should be executed when the object is created. DON’T EVER FUCKING USE IT FOR THAT. Why? Because the objects in the game at start up are created in an arbitrary, unreadable, undeterminable and randomly changing order.

    You have no idea what code has already been done and what hasn’t when any given Create event is executed. So when one tiny change to something suddenly breaks everything in your entire game, including a bunch of stuff it had absolutely nothing to do with, it’s because the Creation order has changed arbitrarily.

    Only ever use Create to set initial variables, then use Alarm events to trigger actual code. That way you can set those alarms to go off in the order you specify.

  • Often you want one object to ‘trigger’ an event for another object. The reason the method you just tried isn’t working is that it’s getting re-triggered repeatedly sixty times a second all the time that the conditions are fulfilled, usually reversing the effect and/or delaying alarm events indefinitely.

    The best way I’ve found to do triggers like this is to have it set an Activate property on the target object. The target object checks this Activate property every step, and the moment it’s ‘true’, it sets it to false, does its work, then tells the trigger object not to bother it again until it needs to.

  • Relatedly, attach code to the object it affects, rather than the object that executes it. A button shouldn’t open a door, even if that’s the only thing it’s ever going to do. It should just say “Open!” to the door, and the door itself should contain the code for how to do that. That way, if you ever need other objects to open the door, they can just say “Open!” too and it won’t cause any conflicts or require any repeated code.

Pretty goddamn fascinating, I think you’ll agree. The truth is that most of the problems you encounter creating a game aren’t as frustrating as playing the average shooter. You don’t expect to succeed. You’re wrestling a ridiculous tangle of logical statements into something that functions as a comprehensible world, which is an insane and extraordinary thing to do – even when the results are drab, glitchy and artless. In other words, I’m enjoying it again.

By the end of this sprint I plan to at least be able to show you a video of it in action, and possibly send out a new prototype version to testers. If you’d like to try it when the next version’s ready for testing, and haven’t already mailed me about it, mention Gunpoint in a mail to


Tom Francis:

I’m kidding, of course, System Shock 2’s grav shafts are still the best.


You were using game maker right? I didn’t realize that its so similar to (other) Object Oriented Programming languages. Create sounds like a constructor and the fourth point is about encapsulation and modularity.

I don’t understand the first point you are making though. But maybe that’s because of a difference between Game Maker and Actionscript. (?)


Glad to see you back to making progress on this again!


Ugh, that create event thing has messed me up so much. And don’t even get me started on if you want different instances of the same object to start in different states and have no possible way to preview that in-editor.
Meaning if, say I want to just use one object for a ramp and then rotate it for different angled ramps then whatever my room looks like in the editor has absolutely no correspondence to in-game.

Tom Francis:

Yeah, I just make separate objects for everything, and give them a common parent to handle all the events.


It’s fascinating to see you rediscover programming from first principles.

Tom Francis:

Heh. Probably kind of dumb, too, I would think. There are plenty of resources I could have read up on to get up to speed quicker. The trouble is that I love learning, but hate studying – I like to screw things up 9 times myself before I ask an adult for help.


No, that’s not dumb, because you remember it better when you learned it yourself. Though I find it useful to check how others solved it afterwards.

I agree with nine. I’ve read blogs from other developers figuring out how to make things work, but you also manage to make it fun to read.

Coded One:

Haha, the basics of Object Oriented Programming! Reminds me of Computer Science 101 :P


It sounds all too complicated, i am glad that I enjoy playing games over making them. Though I am sure I would enjoy making them to.
So first you make Gunpoint, it becomes a large Indy success and then you try to make something else. You succeed and perhaps make some money from it, sooner or later you turn into Notch or Mark wot used to work for PC Gamer that now makes Total War.

And then you forget us small people here at James :(

Tom Francis:

Heh. Actually if I ever did go into solo development, this place would probably get more active – I’d still want to be writing about games, but I’d be doing less of it for work.


Sounds like a good plan, actually.


I actually just got the latest prototype email, and I have been quite enjoying it. The guards have tripped me up a bit by shooting me when I fall just short of them in the dark. Lol.

Bennett Gibson:

I’m curious to know what programming languages you are using to create this game?