It's out.
Throw a wrench, change the galaxy.
Mostly nebulae.
Windows, dunno about others
John Winder
Chris Harvey
Tom Francis
John Roberts
Surprising news!
Here’s the new video, which also shows what teleporters and the What Now? screen add to the game:
If you haven’t already, put it on your Steam Wishlist so you hear about it when it comes out. Also, if you were in on a Steam beta, it was probably taken off your wishlist because Steam briefly thought you owned it, so check. And if you want to be in on future tests, make sure you’re on the mailing list (top right).
They want my input on something, and I’d obviously welcome theirs on Heat Sig, so I’ve accepted their offer to come and work on it at their offices instead of my bedroom. I’ll still be independent, self-employed and pretty much full time on Heat Sig, but I’m very excited to be around people again – especially these people. I’ll be there for 3 months at most, at which point the siren song of visa waiver laws will call me home.
Found someone, thanks!
“GML is similar to JavaScript”
Oh golly gosh no it’s not. I wish it was. You’d be amazed at how much faster you’d get things done if it actually was. Proper data structures alone would be worth it.
Seconding Richard, GML is like Javascript in the way that most languages relate to javascript. However GML misses some of the nice bits along the way.
Whish i could help but still finishing up studies, hope you find someone and good luck! (also game is looking awesome and i’m looking forward to another test, if there is one)
Oh no, even less people on the Crate and Crowbar! Pretty soon it’ll just be Pip talking about opposites. ;)
I emailed you awhile back for game development advice. You provided brilliantly, and using it as a reference I’ve actually managed to get somewhat through a moderately entertaining (and yet incredibly buggy) prototype. I never got back to your email, so I’ll just thank you here instead.
So, the creator of what was ultimately the most inspirational game to getting me into both programming and game development was just hired by Valve. The Valve. The Valve that’s essentially revolutionized the video game industry just about every time they’ve released a game.
I just got back from running in circles and yelling “holy fucking shit” at the top of my lungs. That is, internally, of course.
While I’m admittedly slightly saddened to see my favorite indie developer no longer be an ‘indie developer’ (maybe I’ll settle for Davey Wreden?), I’m incredibly excited to see whatever projects you and Valve are working on together. Valve has, throughout video game history, pioneered some of the biggest innovations within professional game development. A hobbyist Tom Francis managed to change my life as it is– I’m slightly terrified (and yet incredibly excited) as to what a resource and industry-backed Tom Francis will be capable of accomplishing.
Hell, maybe we’ll get a Gunpoint II. In 3D. With full, bullfrog-trousers physics.
Anyway, I think I’ve rabbled on for long enough. Congratulations, Tom. May the future hold the best for you.
– Mike
…and yes, I get that I’m totally exaggerating in just about every aspect, mainly because you’re not *technically* hired by Valve and you’re just *working at the Valve offices*. But come on. They’re pretty much the same thing. You’re sitting a small walking distance away from industry geniuses like Mark Laidlaw. (Well, I mean, he’s retired, but you get my point.).
Going to go take a little walk. Get off some hype. Anyway, once again, congratulations!
Luv as Smith:
hello I am extremely excited about your game and I can’t wait to play it I’m also confused as to why you have not put this game as a early access on steam it would help you as you would get more funding’s and you would also have people who bought the game who could be your massive army of bug finders and idea generators I do belive other people would also love to see this game come out on early access as they may have been waiting for this game for months like I have
I have been following development since the start. Any new progress? It’s driving me nuts not to know.
Hey, does heatsig have healing? Need my character healed so that they don’t die when thrown into space, cause they have 0s of survival there. Need heals!