It's out.
Throw a wrench, change the galaxy.
Mostly nebulae.
Windows, dunno about others
John Winder
Chris Harvey
Tom Francis
John Roberts
Or you can buy it from the Humble Store.
There’s also a Supporter’s Edition, which comes with a bunch of fun extras:
If you’re having any technical issues, we’re posting any known solutions here, and you can report bugs to us here.
Hey Tom, been following the development of the game a while! Do you get a better cut of the sale with Humble or with Steam?
Shaun Cheah:
My friend, LemonSoup lost his first character, Jazz Asante, while on a mission to earn the funds needed to buy the kit necessary to kill the Foundry officer who murdered her daughter.
I was given a character, Caeli Alphecca, with the personal mission to “Rescue my friend, Jazz Asante, from the Glitchers.”
Caeli immediately went to work:
Caeli has no knockouts on record. Only four enemies have seen her and lived to tell the tale. A few hundred corpses later, this was the result:
Once rescued, Jazz went from this:
To this:
So now she’s this:
I friggin’ love this game.
Congrats on the release. I’m really enjoying the game. Played it for 10 hours and I have encountered zero bugs so far. For a game bought seconds after release, no bugs is a very new thing to me.